אופציה נוספת:
אופן ההכנה:
מומלץ להגיש ליד אורז לבן ולאכול את אצבעות האסאדו עם הרוטב שלהם על גבי האורז הלבן.
½ cup honey
¼ cup white wine
2 onions, sliced into wedges
¼ cup water
¼ cup lemon juice
1 Tbsp garlic powder
1 Tbsp onion powder
¼ cup water
In oven:
Arrange the onions in an oven pan and place the turkey in the center.
Mix the other ingredients in a bowl and pour over the meat. Rub into the meat.
Cover the pan and bake at 180 C for 2 hours.
In a pot:
Dice onion and mix together with the rest of the ingredients.
Add two cups of water and place the meat in the pot.
Bring to a boil, then lower the flame to a simmer. Cook for 1¼ hours per kilogram.
1 egg white
1 Tbsp honey
Pinch salt
1 tsp smoked paprika
3 Tbsp olive oil for marinade
1 cup bread crumbs
In a bowl, mix all the ingredients except bread crumbs.
After the meat is ready (prepared according to basic recipe in the oven) cool a bit and remove the net
Place the meat in a clean pan and heat oven to maximum heat for 15 minutes.
Brush the meat on all sides with marinade. Cover with a layer of bread crumbs. Press bread crumbs into meat with your hands, and make sure the meat is completely covered.
Bake in the oven for 8 minutes until lightly browned.
Tip – You can add any spices you like to the bread crumbs.
6 small sweet potatoes, washed well
3 Tbsp olive oil
1 Tbsp kosher salt
When cooking the roast in the oven, put the sweet potatoes next to it so they will soften and absorb the taste.
After the meat is ready, check that the sweet potatoes have softened. Remove from the liquid, and dry with paper towel.
Brush with olive oil and place in a clean pan.
Heat the oven to maximum temperature and bake for 10-15 minutes until the sweet potato is crispy.
Remove from the oven, make a slit down the middle and sprinkle with kosher salt.
Tip: Put a whole garlic head near the sweet potatoes. After cooking, the garlic becomes a spread, and they can be served whole as well.
אופן ההכנה בתנור
בשר כבוש מבושל במים
אופן ההכנה:
המלצת הגשה – קוצצים בצל ירוק / עירית ומגישים על הפירה.
אופן ההכנה בתנור
הרכבת המנה: פורסים באגט לרצועות דקות, מורחים מיונז שום שמיר, ומסדרים פרוסת בשר על הרוטב.
להברקת הנתח לפני ההגשה:
אופן ההכנה:
הברקת הנתח:
בתבנית תנור:
בישול בסיר:
1 ½ cups water
½ cup red wine
In the oven:
Gently pour the wine over the meat.
Cover the pan with silver foil.
Bake at 180 C for 3 hours.
In a pot:
3 Tbsp mayonnaise
1 Tbsp smooth mustard
2 Tbsp Dijon mustard
½ cup oil
2 cups white wine
Mix the ingredients together. Taste and adjust seasoning.
Place the meat in an oven pan and pour the white wine around it.
Rub marinade into the meat.
Tightly cover the pan in two layers of silver foil.
Bake at 160 C for 4 hours.
Check for doneness with knife. It should slide in and out easily.
2 cups baby carrots
3 Tbsp sugar
3 Tbsp silan
1 cup orange juice
Pinch of salt
1 purple onion, finely diced
Place all the ingredient sin a small pot and cover with orange juice.
Cook for an hour on low heat until the carrots are soft and the sauce is thick.
הכנה בתנור:
בישול בסיר:
המלצת הגשה: בכלי רחב מניחים את האורז, ומעליו מסדרים את פרוסות הרולדה שופכים מעל את רוטב הבישול של הרולדה יחד עם שיני השום.
בתבנית תנור:
בישול בסיר:
אופן ההכנה:
טיגון חצי עמוק:
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